Thursday, February 19, 2009


We have seen the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai. We have been seeing what is happening in Kashmir. We know what will happen in next 25 years. How many of us are willing to watch this all.

Before blaming the U.P.A government we need to ask ourselves where did all this terror initiate from. Some say it is from Pakistan, some say it is from Radical Islam Groups, others say it is Madarsas and mosques. But the fact is it is none of the above it is all initiated and desctribed in the Quaran.

People(pseudo secularists) say that Islam is a religion of peace, for those pichhi lanjakodukulu here is what I found in Islamic websites(these are not run by Hindu, Jew or Christian fundamentalists):

Koran 4.56: “Those who have disbelieved our signs, we shall roast them in fire. Whenever their skins are cooked to a turn, we shall substitute new skins for them, that they may feel the punishment; verily, Allah is sublime and wise.”

Koran 47.4: “Therefore, when ye meet the unbelievers, smite at their necks and when you have caused a bloodbath among them, bind a bond firmly on them.”

Koran 8.39: “Fight them until there is no dissension and the religion is entirely Allah’s.”

9/11 choosam, 26/11 chusamu inkenni chusthamu, inkenni chooodali?

I wonder how they answer these phrases from Quaran.

Wherever there are Muslims there will not be any peace and harmony. These are the problems caused by the Muslims in Modern world history

(1). Russia – Chechnya conflict

(2). Israel – Palestine conflict (Arab-Jew)

(2). America – Taliban terror (9/11)

(3). Indonesia – Ethnic cleansing of Christians and Hindus

(4). Australia – Gang rape spree in cities like Sydney and Melbourne (key words: Sydney gang rapes),

(5). India – Kashmir conflict, Proxy terror (26/11, Kandahar Hi-jack), Systematic genocide of kashmiri Pundits and Hindus.

(6). Sudan – The Darfur conflict is the largest genocide since the Serbian mass genocide of Croats and Bosnians. The total civilian population who lost their lives are above 1.4 million(as per UNO) and the rapes and female kidnappings are countless.

(7). France, Sweden, Norway etc.,- In these European countries Muslims mostly of North African and Sub Saharan origin are committing rapes over native Europeans, they are not even sparing girls as small as 10 and 11 years. The recent Paris riots have opened the eyes of the French main stream public.

(8). Tibet – Han and Uyghur Chinese are committing large scale of atrocities against the native Buddhists and are trying to forcefully convert their religion.

Muslims all over the world are having some or the other problem with their neighbors and even themselves. This is a fact no one can deny.

There are many more such incidents. Now my question is what do the so called secularists and liberals have to say about these?

These are the common characteristics of Muslims whatever part of the world they may be:

(1). they scream about secularism when they are below 5%, when there population is some where around 10% they ask for special laws and halal meat, when they are near around 15% they start asking for special reservations, separate states, separate town ships after they reach 30% they start saying that converting to Islam is the only option to live in peace(this is a warning to others) and finally when their population is 50% or above they start implementing the Islamic law(shariat) by themselves and they start forceful conversions.

(2). they say that they are being oppressed in the states where they are minorities and in the states where they are majorities they say that minorities are destroying their culture and society.

(3). they say that they do not have freedom to follow their religion in non-Islamic nations and in Islamic nations they make laws which do not allow minorities to have churches, Synagogues, Temples and Guru Dwaras.

(4). they say that Islam is a religion of peace in America, Russia, China, India and all of Europe. In Arabia, North Africa and else where they say that Islam is the only religion that god accepts and everyone have to submit to Islam.

Some “choose the correct option”:

(1). who made 9/11 terror attacks

(a). Pope Benedict (b). Bugs Bunny (c). Paritala Ravi (d). Osama bin Laden

(2). who made Sydney gang rapes

(a). Jim Carrey (b). Daffy Duck (c). Bill gates (d). Bilal Skaf and 14 filthy Lebanese Arabs

(3). which book says to kill and rape infidel of other religions if they do not submit to Islam

(a). Mein Kampf (b). Guide to Brazil (c). Captain America (d). Quaran

(4). who said “Muslims are superior to Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Jews”

(a). Shrek 2 (b). Jesus Christ (c). Lord of the rings (d). A fanatic Imam

(5). Who had sex with a 9 year old girl

(a). King David (b). Mega Star Chiranjeevi (c). Vladimir Putin (4) Prophet Muhammad

Please think about all the above points and you will know what is the future

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